Job profile
Supplier manager (m/f/d)

Top job offers for supplier managers

Supplier managers: experts for corporate supplier management

Supplier managers are highly-sought after in the industrial sector. Their task is to ensure compliance with high standards regarding the procurement of parts, auxiliary and operating materials and to make sure that only impeccable materials and parts are used in the production process. They thus hold a key position in the quality management area.

Which opportunities do supplier managers have on the labour market?

Companies from highly specialised technical fields – such as the aerospace industry, the automotive and supplier industry or companies operating in the telecommunications and IT area – hire supplier managers to handle the procurement of parts. Jobs in these industries are usually well-paid and offer excellent development opportunities. In addition, supplier managers are increasingly sought-after by medium-sized companies wanting to ensure their competitiveness in the long run.

What are the tasks and responsibilities of supplier managers?

Supplier managers work in the purchasing unit of their company. They select suppliers according to standardised criteria and conduct price negotiations. In company groups, they manage the procurement processes in the subsidiaries. Besides, they are responsible for purchasing the required items within a short period of time in the event of supply bottlenecks. Continuously comparing suppliers regarding their prices and quality and keeping up to date with the latest developments in the relevant markets is also part of their duties

Besides, supplier managers have the following tasks:

  • Initial sample inspection of new parts
  • Control of the delivery processes with regard to their quick implementation, completeness and the related transport costs
  • Training of employees of the purchasing and procurement department
  • Processing of complaints

Which hard skills and soft skills should supplier managers have?

Supplier managers must have an academic degree in a technical field such as mechanical engineering or food technology. Since the procurement processes of major corporations usually have an international dimension, good English language skills are essential as well.

Besides, certain soft skills are beneficial:

  • Good negotiation skills
  • Good organisational skills
  • Resilience, also in critical situations
  • A conscientious and accurate way of working

What is the average salary of supplier managers?

The average annual starting salary of supplier managers amounts to between EUR 45,000 and EUR 55,000. With great professional experience and a wide scope of technical expertise, they can earn EUR 90,000 or even more. Employers often pay supplier managers variable bonuses for the achievement of annual targets.