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Quit without a new job


Are you thinking about quitting your job without a new job in sight? Or have you already given notice? Leaving the safe haven of your job without sailing straight into the next one can be liberating and unsettling at the same time. In any case, you are facing a future that you hold in your own hands and can actively shape yourself.

A future that is still unclear is not bad per se. It creates space for new things, for unexpected, unknown possibilities and for personal growth. Because if you leave your comfort zone, you often discover undreamt-of potential.

Nevertheless, it is important not to quit a job lightly, but to prepare well for it and get support. That is exactly what Hays is here for. We accompany you through this process and provide you with expert advice.

We will show you how to approach the challenges of "quitting without a new job" positively and successfully for yourself, how to quit yourself without risking a block at your employment office and how to sensibly structure your time out after quitting. This way you can make an informed decision and prepare yourself in the best possible way for the new phase of your life. And if you are simply looking for a new job, we will of course support you in your job search.

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If you quit yourself without having a new job, you are certainly doing it for certain reasons - just like all the other switchers who dare to take this courageous step. Our experience shows that there are three main reasons for "quitting without a new job".


One of the main reasons why workers decide to quit is dissatisfaction at work. If the current job is increasingly no longer fun or there are repeated conflicts, many think about quitting - even without having a new job in sight.

One of the main reasons why workers decide to quit is dissatisfaction at work. If the current job is increasingly no longer fun or there are repeated conflicts, many think about quitting - even without having a new job in sight.

Another reason why people take the plunge is the need for change. They feel stuck in their current job and long for new challenges and exciting experiences. Many people who are willing to change can also imagine leaving their traditional field and venturing into a completely new subject area.
Another reason why people take the plunge is the need for change. They feel stuck in their current job and long for new challenges and exciting experiences. Many people who are willing to change can also imagine leaving their traditional field and venturing into a completely new subject area.

A third and equally frequent reason is health problems due to stress and the high demands of working life. Often behind this is the feeling of being overwhelmed and burnt out - a condition we generally know as burnout. Quitting and taking time off from work can then be a beneficial break and contribute to burnout prevention.

A third and equally frequent reason is health problems due to stress and the high demands of working life. Often behind this is the feeling of being overwhelmed and burnt out - a condition we generally know as burnout. Quitting and taking time off from work can then be a beneficial break and contribute to burnout prevention.

Illustration zu Work-Life-Balance
Illustration zu Work-Life-Balance
Illustration zu Work-Life-Balance


When people lose their jobs or quit without finding a new one, there are consequences. There is more to it than just the obvious issue of income security. At Hays, we see three main areas that you should prepare for. If you take all these aspects into account, nothing will stand in the way of quitting your job without finding a new one.

Without a regular income, it can be difficult to maintain the standard of living you are used to. That is why it is important to draw up a financial plan before giving notice. How long can you do without your income? Do you have enough reserves? If you give notice yourself, you also risk a three-month suspension of unemployment benefits by the employment agency. We will show you how to avoid this block in the section "Quitting without a block - how to avoid problems with unemployment compensation".

Without a regular income, it can be difficult to maintain the standard of living you are used to. That is why it is important to draw up a financial plan before giving notice. How long can you do without your income? Do you have enough reserves? If you give notice yourself, you also risk a three-month suspension of unemployment benefits by the employment agency. We will show you how to avoid this block in the section "Quitting without a block - how to avoid problems with unemployment compensation".

The social consequences of quitting without a new job should also not be underestimated. Our work takes up a large part of our lives and also influences our social environment. If you resign in order to take time off afterwards, it may happen that not everyone in your environment understands this courageous decision at first glance. However, you should not let yourself be deterred from taking this step. Because why you quit has important reasons that concern only you - and these do not have to be comprehensible to everyone.

The social consequences of quitting without a new job should also not be underestimated. Our work takes up a large part of our lives and also influences our social environment. If you resign in order to take time off afterwards, it may happen that not everyone in your environment understands this courageous decision at first glance. However, you should not let yourself be deterred from taking this step. Because why you quit has important reasons that concern only you - and these do not have to be comprehensible to everyone.

One aspect that is often overlooked is health insurance. In Germany, employees are usually covered by health insurance through their employer. However, if you terminate your employment, you will have to take care of your health insurance yourself. Therefore, find out about your options in good time and plan for the costs involved.

One aspect that is often overlooked is health insurance. In Germany, employees are usually covered by health insurance through their employer. However, if you terminate your employment, you will have to take care of your health insurance yourself. Therefore, find out about your options in good time and plan for the costs involved.

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Fast forward thinking illustration
Fast forward thinking illustration

It is a courageous step to leave a job without a new job in sight. However, with the right preparation and planning, you can successfully manage this transition and will then be stronger as you move on to the next chapter in your life.

Here are some tips to help you do so:

  1. 1  
  2. 1. Observe the period of notice

    One of the first things you should consider when giving notice is the period of notice. This is usually stipulated in the employment contract and should be adhered to in order to avoid possible problems. Pay attention to the key dates of the notice periods. If you give one day's notice too late, you may be tied to your job for one month longer.

  3. 2  
  4. 2. Give reasons for your termination

    In order to leave a good impression and ultimately receive a good reference, you should discuss your resignation with your superiors honestly and quite transparently. This will increase your chances of leaving on good terms. A good statement of reasons will also help you to get a new employment contract later on, as future employers will also be interested in your reasons.

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  6. 3. Secure a good employer's reference

    Don't forget to ask for a reference in good time. It will help you in your search for a new job to additionally convince your possible new employer with an impressive and meaningful job reference. As an employee, you are entitled to a truthful and qualified reference. Therefore, make sure that the wording is positive and benevolent. Do not hesitate to make concrete suggestions for improvement.

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  8. 4. Register with the employment office in good time

    Even if you plan to take time off, it is advisable to register with the Employment Agency in good time. This is important in order to be able to claim any unemployment benefits later. It is best to report directly to the Employment Agency as soon as you know that you will become unemployed - at the latest within three days of receiving notice of termination. On the first day after the end of employment, you then register personally as unemployed with the Employment Agency.

  9. 5  
  10. 5. Take a conscious time out

    A significant proportion of people who leave their jobs without a new job in sight do so to take time out. Time off is not only a break from work, but also an extremely useful chance to reorient yourself and find a path that really suits you. Use the time off to relax, to go into yourself or to try things that excite you and for which you could not otherwise find the time.

  11. 6  
  12. 6. Educate yourself further

    Use the time off work to expand your skills and knowledge. There are many online courses and training opportunities available to help you broaden your career prospects. Our free career services will help you get started. Thematically, the whole world is open to you here.

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  14. 7. Get support if needed

    Whether professional counselling, family, friends or network contacts - others offer valuable perspectives and advice. Don't be too proud if the situation is getting on top of you. If you realise that outsiders can help you in your situation, it is a sign of your strength. Therefore, actively seek the exchange you need during your time out and confide in these people.


If you give notice, you have legally caused your own unemployment. As a result, the employment agency can impose a blocking period of up to three months, during which you will not receive unemployment compensation. However, there are extremely promising ways to avoid a blocking period.

It is possible to give notice yourself without a blocking period if an important reason justifies giving notice yourself. In this case, the Federal Employment Agency will not impose a blocking period. Such an important reason could be your state of health. If, for example, you no longer feel able to perform your previous job due to mental or physical health problems, this is recognised as an important reason for termination. In this case, it is advisable to submit a medical certificate in the form of a certificate of incapacity for work.

Family obligations can also be an important reason for dismissal. If you cannot continue your work because of looking after and bringing up your children or caring for family members in need, this can also be an important reason for dismissal.

Psychological stress caused by bullying at work also entitles you to dismissal. The same applies if your employer does not comply with occupational health and safety regulations and you resign because of these inadequate working conditions.


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Our tip

Before giving notice, clarify with the employment agency whether the conditions for an important reason exist. Sometimes it is helpful if you at least try to eliminate the important reason - e.g. through a clarifying discussion with your superiors.


The decision to quit your current job without a new one in sight is not an easy one. It requires courage and good planning. But no matter whether you decide to take a career break, change your career direction or take the step into self-employment - we at Hays will support you.

We can also help you with your job search. With our many years of experience in recruitment consultancy, we can give you valuable tips and advice to help you make your next career move.

When you are ready for a new job, we will support you in finding the right position. Through our broad network of companies, we offer you a wide range of opportunities. If you can't find a suitable job, why not upload your application documents? We will suggest suitable jobs to you in the next step.


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