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Vacation camps for children in need

Hays supports the ferienpat*in project to enable children from low-income families to take part in a vacation camp.

Summer, sun, beach - this motto does not apply to all children during the summer vacations. That's why we made a donation to support the ferienpat*in project run by the Stadtjugendrings Mannheim e.V. youth organization. It enables children and young people from low-income families to take part in a vacation camp where they not only gain new experiences, but also experience self-efficacy and social participation.

Soziale Teilhabe ermöglichen: Hays unterstützt das Projekt ferienpat*in
Soziale Teilhabe ermöglichen: Hays unterstützt das Projekt ferienpat*in
Soziale Teilhabe ermöglichen: Hays unterstützt das Projekt ferienpat*in

Enabling social participation: Hays supports the ferienpat*in project

Psychotherapeutic help for young people in acute need

With a financial donation, we are supporting the youth agency in Heidelberg in creating a new service for young people in psychological distress.

In times of multiple crises, the number of mentally ill young people is also on the rise. The result: long waiting times in psychotherapeutic facilities. With our help, the youth agency has created a new position to help affected young people: A social education worker with therapeutic training stabilizes young people in acute psychological distress and helps them prepare for the transition to therapy.

Hays unterstützt die Jugendagentur bei Akuthilfe für Jugendliche in psychischer Not
Hays unterstützt die Jugendagentur bei Akuthilfe für Jugendliche in psychischer Not
Hays unterstützt die Jugendagentur bei Akuthilfe für Jugendliche in psychischer Not

Hays supports the youth agency in providing acute help for young people in psychological distress

Donations in kind and money for earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria

In February 2023, major earthquakes hit Turkey and Syria. Hays employees collected monetary and in-kind donations for the victims.

More than 52,000 people died in the major earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, thousands lost their homes, their existence or their loved ones. Hays employees showed great solidarity and privately collected donations in kind and money to support urgently needed relief measures on site by organisations such as Doctors Without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières), Liberale Flüchtlingshilfe and Aktionsbündnis Katastrophenhilfe.

Güterlager für die Erdbebenhilfe in der Türkei und Syrien
Güterlager für die Erdbebenhilfe in der Türkei und Syrien
Güterlager für die Erdbebenhilfe in der Türkei und Syrien

Hays employees helped organise relief supplies for earthquake victims with donations

Opportunities instead of gifts

With our Christmas donation in 2022, we supported three organisations that work for more equal opportunities in the working environment.

JOBLINGE E.V. helps young people with starting difficulties make the leap into working life and finances seven scholarships with our donation. Socialbee is dedicated to the integration of refugees into the labour market and was able to introduce a new learning management system with our help. Queermentor, on the other hand, supports LGBTIQ+ youth in the workplace and is able to enrol ten young people in a support programme thanks to our donation.

Our Christmas donation 2022: new job prospects for disadvantaged people

Das andere SchulZimmer (The other classroom)

The goal of our partnership with Das andere SchulZimmer e.V. is to support disadvantaged young people in their school graduation and entry into professional life.

In the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region, the association Das andere SchulZimmer e.V. helps young people in difficult life situations on their way from school to work. For the school year 2022/2023, our donation financed a permanent coordination position in the new project "My Job - My Future". This will enable the association to offer internship placement, job application training and apprenticeship support for the first time.


Creating more opportunities to start a career: Hays and Das andere SchulZimmer

Flood disaster

In summer 2021, we supported the victims of the flood disaster in the Ahrtal with a fundraising campaign.

Shocked by the catastrophic situation in the Ahrtal, one of our employees started a fundraising campaign in our organisation in summer 2021. The final sum was doubled by Hays. By voting, our employees decided to donate the money to the support association of the Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler secondary school. This association supports the families of students who were hit particularly hard by the flood.

Hays employees showed their solidarity with victims of the flood disaster in the Ahrtal with a fund raiser


Alleviating poverty – empowering children

test Our donation to the Caritas project helped to improve the educational opportunities of materially disadvantaged children and alleviate the consequences of child poverty.

With our support of the Caritas Mannheim development fund in 2021, it was possible to finance urgently needed school materials, tutoring sessions, excursions and homework supervision, among other things.

Caption: We believe: Education unlocks opportunities and empowers children


Mannheimer KinderVesperkirche

test The “KinderVesperkirche” (which translates roughly as “help by the church for children who may not get regular meals from home”) is an initiative against child poverty. Donations such as ours were used to fund a lunch service, for example.

A regular lunch, games and learning opportunities - this is how children in need experience community at the KinderVesperkirche. Our donation in 2020 enabled a parent mentoring programme and a year-round lunch table.

Caption: The KinderVesperkirche promotes participation for all with donations like ours


Playing & Learning

test Our donation for the “Spielen & Lernen” (playing and learning) project supports the social and emotional development of children from disadvantaged families.

In 2019 and 2020, we financed a part-time social education worker through Deutschen Kinderschutzbund, a German non-profit association and lobby for children, who promoted social skills in a playful way for pupils at two schools in Mannheim.

Caption: Hays CEO Markus Auer visited children of the initiative “Spielen & Lernen”


120 school bags

test With our donation, 120 fully equipped school bags were handed to first graders in need – a pragmatic contribution for more educational equality.

Every year, the Deutsche Kinderhilfswerk, a German children’s rights organisation, gives away filled schoolbags to schoolchildren in need. In 2018, our donation was used to fill a total of 120 school satchels for first-graders in Mannheim.

Caption: First-graders and Hays CEO Markus Auer examine the new school bags

Alleviating poverty – empowering children

test Our donation to the Caritas project helped to improve the educational opportunities of materially disadvantaged children and alleviate the consequences of child poverty.

With our support of the Caritas Mannheim development fund in 2021, it was possible to finance urgently needed school materials, tutoring sessions, excursions and homework supervision, among other things.

Caption: We believe: Education unlocks opportunities and empowers children


Mannheimer KinderVesperkirche

test The “KinderVesperkirche” (which translates roughly as “help by the church for children who may not get regular meals from home”) is an initiative against child poverty. Donations such as ours were used to fund a lunch service, for example.

A regular lunch, games and learning opportunities - this is how children in need experience community at the KinderVesperkirche. Our donation in 2020 enabled a parent mentoring programme and a year-round lunch table.

Caption: The KinderVesperkirche promotes participation for all with donations like ours


Playing & Learning

test Our donation for the “Spielen & Lernen” (playing and learning) project supports the social and emotional development of children from disadvantaged families.

In 2019 and 2020, we financed a part-time social education worker through Deutschen Kinderschutzbund, a German non-profit association and lobby for children, who promoted social skills in a playful way for pupils at two schools in Mannheim.

Caption: Hays CEO Markus Auer visited children of the initiative “Spielen & Lernen”


120 school bags

test With our donation, 120 fully equipped school bags were handed to first graders in need – a pragmatic contribution for more educational equality.

Every year, the Deutsche Kinderhilfswerk, a German children’s rights organisation, gives away filled schoolbags to schoolchildren in need. In 2018, our donation was used to fill a total of 120 school satchels for first-graders in Mannheim.

Caption: First-graders and Hays CEO Markus Auer examine the new school bags

2017 - now
Art and music therapy for children suffering from cancer

Kind mit Vater Our donation enables art and music therapy for young cancer patients and thus increases their chances of recovery.

Since 2017, we have been funding two part-time positions for art and music therapy at the University Hospital Mannheim. In this way, we support the „Aktion für krebskranke Kinder“ (Campaign for Children with Cancer) organized by the German Leukaemia Research Aid. The therapy helps sick children to deal with traumatic experiences and to mobilise their self-healing powers. In this way, it increases the chances of a "healthy" reintegration.

Caption: With our donation we help the little ones to strengthen their self-healing

2016 - 2019
Two places at university for refugees

test Funding two places at university for refugees is our contribution to integration and providing a skilled workforce.

From 2016 to 2019 we funded two full-time IT management places for Syrian refugees at the business academy for management (HdWM) in Mannheim, including an internship in our IT department. Thanks to their commitment and determination, the pair succeeded in settling in in Germany.

Caption: Adel and George successfully completed their studies in Mannheim with a grant from Hays

2011 - now
Deutschlandstipendium (Germany grant)

test Our funding of the Germany grant rewards above-average academic achievements and offers students networking opportunities.

Since 2011, we have been supporting outstanding students through the German government's Deutschlandstipendium scholarship, currently at the University of Mannheim and the Mannheim School of Management.

Caption: The Germany grant provides students with special funding

2011 - 2015
Paediatric oncology at the Charité

test For several years, our donation financed the part-time position of a paediatrician in oncology at the Charité hospital in Berlin.

We are committed to children and fighting cancer: From 2011 to 2015, Hays made it possible to finance the part-time position of a doctor in paediatric oncology at the Charité in Berlin.

Caption: Our donation financed the part-time position of a paediatric oncologist at the Charité


2009 - 2021
Outpatient doctor for children with cancer

test Our long-term donation financed the position of an outpatient doctor for children and adolescents with cancer.

At the Centre for Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine in Heidelberg, we funded the position of an outpatient doctor specialised in the treatment of children and adolescents with cancer from 2009 to 2021.

Caption: Hays funded the position of a doctor for children and young people with cancer


2003 - 2009
Holiday camp for children with cancer

test At an adventure camp near Heidelberg that we sponsor, young cancer patients can rediscover their strengths and regain confidence.

From 2003 to 2010, we donated to the holiday camp "The forest pirates" and contributed significantly to its construction. After its completion, we also financed the construction of an herb snail and a baking oven.

Caption: With our donation, a holiday camp for children with cancer could be built

2017 - now
Art and music therapy for children suffering from cancer

Kind mit Vater Our donation enables art and music therapy for young cancer patients and thus increases their chances of recovery.

Since 2017, we have been funding two part-time positions for art and music therapy at the University Hospital Mannheim. In this way, we support the „Aktion für krebskranke Kinder“ (Campaign for Children with Cancer) organized by the German Leukaemia Research Aid. The therapy helps sick children to deal with traumatic experiences and to mobilise their self-healing powers. In this way, it increases the chances of a "healthy" reintegration.

Caption: With our donation we help the little ones to strengthen their self-healing

2016 - 2019
Two places at university for refugees

test Funding two places at university for refugees is our contribution to integration and providing a skilled workforce.

From 2016 to 2019 we funded two full-time IT management places for Syrian refugees at the business academy for management (HdWM) in Mannheim, including an internship in our IT department. Thanks to their commitment and determination, the pair succeeded in settling in in Germany.

Caption: Adel and George successfully completed their studies in Mannheim with a grant from Hays

2011 - now
Deutschlandstipendium (Germany grant)

test Our funding of the Germany grant rewards above-average academic achievements and offers students networking opportunities.

Since 2011, we have been supporting outstanding students through the German government's Deutschlandstipendium scholarship, currently at the University of Mannheim and the Mannheim School of Management.

Caption: The Germany grant provides students with special funding

2011 - 2015
Paediatric oncology at the Charité

test For several years, our donation financed the part-time position of a paediatrician in oncology at the Charité hospital in Berlin.

We are committed to children and fighting cancer: From 2011 to 2015, Hays made it possible to finance the part-time position of a doctor in paediatric oncology at the Charité in Berlin.

Caption: Our donation financed the part-time position of a paediatric oncologist at the Charité


2009 - 2021
Outpatient doctor for children with cancer

test Our long-term donation financed the position of an outpatient doctor for children and adolescents with cancer.

At the Centre for Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine in Heidelberg, we funded the position of an outpatient doctor specialised in the treatment of children and adolescents with cancer from 2009 to 2021.

Caption: Hays funded the position of a doctor for children and young people with cancer


2003 - 2009
Holiday camp for children with cancer

test At an adventure camp near Heidelberg that we sponsor, young cancer patients can rediscover their strengths and regain confidence.

From 2003 to 2010, we donated to the holiday camp "The forest pirates" and contributed significantly to its construction. After its completion, we also financed the construction of an herb snail and a baking oven.

Caption: With our donation, a holiday camp for children with cancer could be built

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