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Current volunteering projects


Queermentor is the first digital platform for training, empowerment, and networking of the LGBTIQ+ community. We support the initiative with mentoring and financial donations.

The queer community still faces many hurdles in the working world. Together with Queermentor, we have therefore been using our expertise since 2023 to open up a safe space for young LGBTIQ+ people in the form of 1:1 mentoring. Here, we offer professional orientation, empowerment, and career support from career entry to current job challenges to the development of further career steps.


The JOBLINGE initiative helps unemployed young people to start a career. As a partner organisation, we get involved with mentoring, training and financial donations.

Since 2022, we have been a partner of JOBLINGE, which accompanies unemployed young people on their way into the working world in various formats. In regular volunteering assignments, Hays employees support participants through mentoring, interview training and CV checks. We also help the JOBLINGE organisation itself as a sparring partner in business matters. The „Plan A“ project received financial support at Christmas 2021.

Help for Ukraine

With donations in kind, money and time, we provide fast and unbureaucratic help for people in need as a result of the Ukraine war.

Generous donations went to "Germany helps" and our global Hays-Ukraine-Fund. This enabled us to realise projects in Poland and Hungary - for example, the establishment of a school for 280 Ukrainian pupils and their teachers in Warsaw. Our employees spent over 300 hours collecting donations in kind, helping out in initial accommodation - and contributing their knowledge to make it easier for refugees to start their careers in Germany.

Ukrainische Frauen in München
Ukrainische Frauen in München
Ukrainische Frauen in München

Job application training for Ukrainian women in Munich

Pro Bono Camp

At the Haus des Stiftens Pro Bono Camp, Hays employees donate their expertise to support the charitable work of non-profit organisations.

How do I recruit through social channels? Am I reaching my target groups with my website? Questions like these are the focus of the coaching sessions and seminars at Pro-Bono-Camp once a year, in which volunteers from a wide range of companies pass on their know-how to employees in non-profit organisations. Since the beginning in 2021, more than 100 Hays employees have already contributed effectively.

Banner Pro Bono Camp
Banner Pro Bono Camp
Banner Pro Bono Camp

At the Pro Bono Camp, Hays employees support non-profits with their know-how


Frauen in Beruf und Schule (FiBS, Women in Work and School)

test As volunteers, Hays employees have coached women with a migration history who want to build a career perspective in Germany.

In our volunteering pilot project "Women in Work and School" (2021) with the Bildungsförderungsverein InitiativGruppe München, Hays employees provided job application coaching for women with a migration history.

Caption: Mentor Benjamin Seibel from Hays and his mentee Iuliia Spitzl


Frauen in Beruf und Schule (FiBS, Women in Work and School)

test As volunteers, Hays employees have coached women with a migration history who want to build a career perspective in Germany.

In our volunteering pilot project "Women in Work and School" (2021) with the Bildungsförderungsverein InitiativGruppe München, Hays employees provided job application coaching for women with a migration history.

Caption: Mentor Benjamin Seibel from Hays and his mentee Iuliia Spitzl