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The task
Experienced lawyer wanted

Around 1,300 employees work at Klinikum Burgenlandkreis. They care for more than 26,000 inpatients and 41,000 outpatients annually in the two associated hospitals. The legal spectrum that the hospital group has to cover is extremely extensive – from contract and labour law to medical, tenancy and liability law. Initially, the Klinikum Burgenlandkreis relied on the support of external law firms. But using this solution meant not all topics could be dealt with promptly. Therefore, the clinic management began looking for an alternative. What was needed was an experienced lawyer with special knowledge of labour and medical law and who could be contacted on site at any time.

The search
Success – Our expert database

Thanks to our comprehensive database of experts and long-standing personal contacts with specialist lawyers, the search for suitable candidates was not a difficult task. „I had applied to Hays years earlier as part of another job advertisement and so was already listed in their database“, recalls Friedrich Wolf. „Then one day a member of the Hays team called me up and asked how satisfied I was with my current job.“ And that turned out to be just what the doctor ordered, says Wolf. „I had long since wanted to change my professional direction, so that call came at just the right time.“


The application
Convinced in intensive talks

Intensive discussions followed, during which Wolf and his Hays advisor discussed in detail what Klinikum Burgenlandkreis wanted and needed from their new lawyer. „This gave me a very clear picture of what the hospital management was expecting from their new employee even before I was asked to attend any interviews,“ reports Wolf.

The appointment
Extensive experience convinces

Now well prepared, the lawyer presented a convincing image in both interviews. „We examined all the candidates presented. And Friedrich Wolf was our unanimous choice because he already had experience in the hospital sector and was also an expert in labour law,“ says Lars Frohn, managing director of the hospital. And on a personal level it was clear right from the beginning that he was a good fit. That‘s why Frohn was immediately sure he had made the right choice with Wolf. And he was right: For a year and a half, the lawyer has been ensuring the clinic deals with legal issues directly, comprehensively and internally.

„The detailed research carried out by Hays‘ consultants hays really paid off.“

Lars Frohn,
Hospital General Manager

 Highlights - Detailed research pays of

The Klinikum Burgenlandkreis was looking for a specialist with knowledge in labour and medical law. Despite these high demands, Hays scored a home run with their first suggestion. Hospital managing director Lars Frohn attributes this above all to the good and careful preparatory work carried out by Hays. „The detailed research carried out by the Hays consultants really paid off,“ Frohn emphasises. All the applicants were, in principle, well qualified. Hays had not only paid attention to the professional qualifications we required, but had also taken into account the soft skills of these potential new employees. „This put us in the very comfortable position of being able to select the right candidate from a handful of technically suitable prospects,“ emphasises Lars Frohn.


Looking back, hospital lawyer Friedrich Wolf and managing director Lars Frohn agree: Working with Hays was a complete success for both sides. „Confidentiality and discretion as well as direct and open communication characterised the entire application process,“ Wolf recalls. He was particularly impressed by Hays‘ sustainable approach. „I could always sense how important it was for Hays that both sides were a good fit for each other.“ And he felt that he was well looked after at all times – even after starting the job. „Hays brought me together with my employer of choice and provided me with first-class support through to signing the contract and beyond,“ says Friedrich Wolf.


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Burgenlandkreis Clinic

Today, a new clinic lawyer is available to provide support in all legal matters. Only available in German.

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